We want every child and young person to know that they are loved and valued, by God and by us.
Explorers is our ministry for our children and teenagers with additional needs.

On Sundays, we offer a space for children with additional needs called "Explorers". It includes a sensory room and activities such as a "Velcro Bible". We integrate them with the Big Kidz programme and then take them to the Explorers' rooms. We tailor the program to suit each child's needs.
Explorers are open every Sunday during our 10:30 am, 12:45 pm & 1.15 pm service.
The children check-in and check-out with the Explorers Registration Team at the entrance of the Explorers area
We have at least 2 Tenacious Explorers Team members for each session that we run, to help your child to have a safe and fun time throughout their duration with us.
We have some "Tenacious Explorers profile pages" that we ask each of our families to fill out so that we can get to know each individual child and work out how we can best serve them. We also have some "Velcro Bibles" which we have created especially for our Tenacious Explorers to help them learn about the Bible through their senses.
If you have any questions about Tenacious Explorers or think that your child would benefit from being included in this programme, then please speak to a member of the team or email us.
Please look at the photos to get a glimpse of what the Tenacious Explorer's room is like.